USCG Auxiliary 75th Anniversary Is Honored At VSW

USCG Auxiliary 75th Anniversary Is Honored At VSW

USCG Auxiliary 75th Anniversary Is Honored At VSW
75 years uscg

USCG Auxiliary 75th Anniversary Is Honored At VSW

USCG Auxiliary 75 Years And Going Strong!

Not often spoken about in the headlines, newspapers, periodicals or within the ranks of the US, the USCG has a little secret up its sleeve: The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary!


Since 1939 the USCG Auxiliary has served as the backbone of the US Coast Guard and has been there to support the USCG in every way it possibly can!

 What is the USCG Auxiliary?

Source from Wiki~

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCG Aux) is the uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard (“USCG”). Congress established the USCG Aux was June 23, 1939, as the United States Coast Guard Reserve.

uscg reserve

What does the USCG Auxiliary do?

1. An excellent article by Rande Wilson of the USCG goes into a nice discussion about the duties of the Auxiliary, their roles and missions. What does the Coast Guard Auxiliary do? This is a question I once caught myself asking when I was active duty at Sector Seattle. And for the average Coastie out there it’s a question that they too may not be able to answer. So, as today’s educative post I would like to tell you what I know of the Auxiliary, their actions, and their potential. More information found at  at

Missions and Core Values!

Per Wiki~Administrative support to the Coast Guard
Aids-to-navigation verification (ATON)
Assistance to local government
Augmentation of Coast Guard billets
Bridge administration
Surface, air and radio operations
Contingency preparedness
Licensing of merchant mariners
Marine safety and environmental protection (MSEP)
Port safety and security (PS&S)
Public affairs support (PA)
Program visitor (PV)
USCG Academy Recruiting
Search and rescue (SAR)
Vessel examinations
Waterways management as part of USCG the Auxiliary’s core values are the same as those of active Coast Guard: Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. The USCG motto is “Semper Paratus”(Always Ready).

Semper Paratus!

Always Prepared!

semper paratus

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