USAF Flying Into The Heart Of A Hurricane

USAF Flying Into The Heart Of A Hurricane

USAF Flying Into The Heart Of A Hurricane

What is a hurricane hunter?


If USAF Flying Into The Heart Of A Hurricane doesnt get your adrenaline sky high!  The work and exploits of US Air Force aircraft that defy natures law and gravity by flying into God’s straw were condensed into a few musical lyrics what would they be?

We think the infamous words of the Rolling Stones would serve best!

“I was born in a crossfire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain” (Source:

14th- USAF – 1944 Col. Floyd Wood, Maj. Harry Wexler, and Lt. Frank Record, flying a Douglas A-20 “Havoc,” are the first to fly into the heart of a hurricane to obtain meteorological data. 


Fast Hurricane Facts


  • Hurricanes have male and female names, but at one point only female names were used.
  • Most hurricanes rage harmlessly in the sea.
  • Australians call hurricanes, willy-willies.
  • The New England Hurricane of 1938 is reported to have the fastest forward speed for a hurricane at 70 mph. The forward speed for an average hurricane is less than 20 mph.
  • Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean runs from June 1 to November 30.

Hurricane Hunters – USAF

Then there are the guys that get paid to head straight into the howling and destructive winds of a massive hurricane. They are called the Hurricane Hunters. The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the United States Air Force.

How do these men and women that fly the unfriendly skies do it?

53 Weather Reconnaissance Squadron

“To perform their mission, the Hurricane Hunters have 10 WC-130J aircraft. These Super Hercules aircraft are equipped with palletized meteorological data-gathering instruments. The WC-130J is the next generation “Hurricane Hunter” designed to continue weather reconnaissance well into the 21st century.”



VSW Designs – 

For a shirt worn by the United States Air Force personnel, from pilots to their ground crews.



Whether at the control of a USAF aircraft, a crew member, even the guy that keeps the air in the tires, you are important to a team of the most advanced and highly skilled USAF personnel in the world.

USAF Blue Falcon

On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered

On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered

On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered

We Will Always Remember 911!


On 9-11 American Resolve Is Again Remembered. Thirteen years ago today, America was once again reminded that the world is far from an innocent place. We lost thousands of our citizens and foreign guests to the dregs of the Earth. That day, September 11, 2001, was succeeded by two wars. After all of this, we are still standing. We are still here. We will now and forever remember those we lost, friends, family, our bravest and those who showed the world what the definition of courage is. Honor the courageous who experienced 9-11.


911 Remembered


[Tweet “Remember 9-11! #september11 #newyork #isis #isisterrorists #terrorism #america #usa #usatoday #nineeleven #opru #rangerup #americanresolve #newyorkcity #airplanes #americanheroes #americancourage #americanresolve #iava #iraq #lawenforcement #nypd #nyfd #fireman #police #newyorkpolice #newyorkfire #veterans #usveterans #americanveterans #twintowers “]


America has been hit by terrorism and has joined the world of countries that have experienced acts of terrorism. She has withstood the blows, has regained her composure and has come out victorious over her foes, the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Now with ISIS in the forefront we are resolved to combat this dog and put it down!

US Congress Officially Changes America’s Name

US Congress Officially Changes America’s Name


US Congress Officially Changes America’s Name

The Bone Heads did it again!

US Congress Officially Changes America’s Name.  Just what exactly is Congress doing again? Did anyone catch this in the New York Times, Washington Post or La Times? Hell no! We missed this highly eventful yet secretive push by Congress to change America’s name. In a dark, recessed cove in the hallways of American politics the government reached a unanimous decision to change America’s name!

Wanna know why you didn’t catch it? Cause you weren’t even born yet!

So while we are on the subject of changing names and declaring our sovereignty away from Great Britain let’s remember we are free, we are sovereign and no outside dictator, king, parliament, or authority shall take our freedoms away again and whether we prefer to call ourselves United States citizens or Americans we are still born free till the day we die!


So what is all this hullabaloo?

In 1776 Congress Did What?

The term “United States” was adopted by the second Continental Congress to be used instead of the “United Colonies.” Ah. Ok. Now I get it.

So what other decisions over the years has baffled the American public? Congress and state legislators have been cooking up laws to this day are amazing if not borderline crazy. I would diagnose most of them as recovering from PTSD but I wouldn’t rank them as high or even close to the level of integrity our men and women in uniform have. So lets see what these carpetbaggers have concocted in our states over the years! One s


In 2013 Congress Did What?


When did we decide that we wanted a law that could make unlocking your smartphone a criminal offense? The answer is that we never really decided.”

(Source: The Atlantic.Com)

Liberty caps

Now Let’s Look At More of the Craziest Laws beset upon the American public across our great land. Here a few good ones!

Alabama –


If an animal control officer is in uniform, it signifies to the public that he is an animal control officer.


It is illegal for a husband to beat his wife with a stick larger in diameter than his thumb.


Alaska –


Persons may not live in a trailer as it is being hauled across the city.


It is illegal to string a wire across any road.


No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car.


Arizona –


It is illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to have less than one missing tooth visible when smiling.


Arkansas –


No one may “suddenly start or stop their car at a McDonald’s.


California –


It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time.


Florida –


No one may bring a pig with them to a theater.


Citizens may not be caught downtown without at least 10 dollars on their person.


It is illegal to eat cottage cheese on Sunday after 6:00 P.M.


Chickens are considered a ‘protected species’.


Georgia –


The flooring of adult bookstores and video stores must be nonabsorbant and smooth textured.


Illinois –


Basketball hoops may not be installed on a driveway.


It is against the law to use a slingshot unless you are a law enforcement officer.


There is a $1,000 dollar fine for beating rats with baseball bats.


Maine –


It is illegal to bite a landlord under any circumstances.


Michigan –


Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants.


Oregon –


In Oregon, a dead person cannot be required to serve on a jury.


Rhode Island –


Unmarried people are prohibited from having sex.


The list can go on and on and this is only the tip of the ice berg. In session alone Congress spent days deliberating on the condition that the United States call yogurt its official snack. American taxpayers flipped the bill paying for our elected leaders time as they discussed this in Congress.


Stupid Laws as Seen on Youtube!


So what do we know?

The 1st Amendment (A Great Law) is still the law of the land.

The 2nd Amendments (A Great Law) is still the law of the land no matter how screwed up Congress is trying to take away our God given rights.

This helps us to identify who we are as a people, that we are sovereign, free and we will not allow anyone to take this away.


American Sovereignty
Corpsman Up A Little Background

Corpsman Up A Little Background

The phrase Corpsman Up is a sound, a call, a yell that a wounded Marine is in need of medical care. It is not known to all civilian walks of life that the United States Navy Corpsman works and fights right alongside the US Marines. One of the flag raisers at the Battle Of Iwo Jima was a Navy Corpsman.

Where you find Marine grunts you will always find a US Navy Corpsman.


Iwo Jima


Who Are US Navy Corpsman?

“Corpsmen stationed with a Marine unit or far out at sea on a Navy warship often find themselves in volatile, life-threatening emergency situations. There are often no sterile operating rooms and equipment. Doctors and nurses are often miles, if not hours, away. As one author wrote, “Bunkers become operating rooms, shirts become tourniquets, and corpsmen become miracle workers.” (Source:


Navy Corpsman

Corpsman Up!

Up at the front and filled with fear, he pleads with God, don’t leave me here.
Wounded and bleeding and hunched with pain, thrown on his back in the mud and the rain
Others went down, some hit, all scared; no one moved, no one dared.
We’d moved swiftly through the paddy mire, and then it happened; enemy fire
It’s Corpsman Up,” when things get hot, the nearest thing to God, we’ve got
“Corpsman Up,” to save a breath. “Corpsman Up,” in the face of death.
Stop the bleeding, treat for shock; no time for hesitation  “Doc”
Patch him up and get him back; back to the  rear; call a medevac
Operating room well lit and clean; Doctors waiting, dressed in green.
Operate with speed and skill, experts with a determined will.
Save lives or limbs to save dreams, no matter how impossible it seems.
Work on in a sweat in mud and grime; to save a life . . .  there’s not much time.
You joined the navy to learn your trade, went to school, and made the grade.
It’s “Corpsman Up,” when the rounds are flying; “Corpsman Up,” when men are dying.
You’re one of us, a grunt of grit; like it or not you just can’t quit.
“Corpsman Up,” step from the ranks.  “Corpsman Up,” and accept our thanks.
Gysgt Tom Bartlett (Source:

Corpsman In Battle!

Vision-Strike-Wear.Com for years has designed military deployment shirts for Hospital Corpsman all over the United States Navy fleet and in hundreds of commands. It has been an honor for them to have been able to work with some of the finest men and women: the United States Navy Corpsman!


Corpsman Up!
Dont Tread on Me with Vision Strike Wear

Dont Tread on Me with Vision Strike Wear

Dont Tread on Me with Vision Strike Wear

Dont Tread on Me with Vision Strike Wear , we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.

VSW artist Frost Call lives in southern California near Edwards Air Force base.  On a hike this weekend, a Rattlesnake decided to get a little too close to his family and he took care of it…. with a shovel!



Frost Call is the designer of the SOVEREIGN shirt that he is wearing in the photo. If you want to check it out, click on the image below.

“Don’t Tread on Me” or you will get a what for!

We Will Never Forget Coin


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