We all know the scenario.  Alone they walk into the path of looming bully like a highwayman ready to toss and tug until  demoralized, dead or at least relieved of the lunch money saved away.  The only nest egg ensuring nourishment during the drudgery of the school day.   The bully encroaches as the subject of tyranny is sized up.  By-standers leer or scurry out of site.   Left all alone to face the horrors and threats of unbearable torture that lie ahead if capitulation isn’t achieved.   The victim having no advocacy, powerless and weak has no options but to submit to the psychopathy of a small minded, one eyed, bully and gives in…and I’m only talking about the cell phone companies.

I hear daily from the schools that my children attend to be on the look out for bully behavior.  Hello!  As usual the microscope is on us and not the authorities that seemed to be the perpetrators of epic bullying across the board.

Sadly in this age of corporations and automatic phone answering systems we are experiencing  similar when trying to deal with any entity that is in charge of some necessary part of our lives.  Whether the cell phone companies, that are clearly colluding to price fix and maintain a terrible filching of wealth system, or any other state run agency, utility or especially the federal government.  Talk about the biggest bullies!  No options, no choices, must submit or else!  This is Bully behavior!  This is what we get every time we deal with any institution, governmental run corporation or organization.  Bullies!

Obamacare is bullying people with their own health!  Wow!  Wake up America!  When you have no options, no choices, no advocacy and no support while another entity administers their will upon you, it is “BULLYING!” Shame on you Federal Govt!  No Bullies! No Bullying!

 Imagine getting health care through a phone answering service. 

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