A murder in the United States Navy

A murder in the United States Navy

A murder in the United States Navy

Navy Petty Officers Release the Crows!


The Leadership!

There is A murder in the United States Navy.  A Murder of Crows!  Navy petty officers the crows of the fleet! The United States Navy Petty Officer is the rising leadership in the USN. They are proven leaders developing additional skills that will propel them into the ranks as future Chief Petty Officers. They participate in JEAs, SCPOAs and FCPOAs, working with their local communities and engage in everything from fundraising activities to donating their time to schools and other worthy causes. They serve in the United States Navy constantly refining their skills within their rates and begin the passage of leadership working and educating lower ranked sailors in a variety of activities and training through their example of hard work, dedication and constant development.

The custom and unique Navy Petty Officer designs created exclusively at Vision-Strike-Wear.Com are offered exclusively for the US Navy Petty Officers both past and present. These Navy Petty Officer crow military designs, shirts and apparel were created out of honor and respect to the core leadership of our naval warriors. They are our finest! Let your US Navy crow fly with these detailed United States Navy Petty Officer Crow shirts!

Navy Petty Officer Crow Shirt


“I am a Petty Officer in the United States Navy, the strongest Navy in the world. I have the distinct privilege of being a leader of the finest Sailors anywhere. As such, I owe my Sailors leadership that they can depend on, trust, and follow.

I will neither fear nor shun responsibility and I am always responsible for my actions. I am always fair and impartial when dealing with my Sailors; remembering not to accept full credit for “A Job Well Done” without proper recognition of my Sailors first.

I am loyal to my subordinates, peers, and those officers appointed over me. I cannot favor either; my integrity must be beyond reproach.

I will fully support all Navy Regulations and Articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I have the duty to correct and report all violations of these regulations that govern my Navy.

I instill Esprit de Corps throughout the Petty Officer grades in the Navy; bearing allegiance to each other. I owe all of the above not to just myself, but to the United States, to my Navy, and to the Sailors who work for me.” (Source: Militaryauthority.Com)


Our United States Petty Officers also serve aboard US Navy submarines and in their spare time they play a mobile game app designed just for them!

Dive Dive!



Navy petty officers the crows of the fleet. Check out the latest Petty Officers donning their peacoats and “dixie” cups ala squid style! Another featured design created during October in celebration of US Navy and its Birthday this month! Release the Crows!


Navy Petty Officers Release the Crows!

Top US Navy T-Shirt Designs Ever

Top US Navy T-Shirt Designs Ever

October is US Navy Month!

Birthdays, promotions, naval history, specials and balls! It is a month that celebrates the 239th Birthday of the United States Navy and honors its men and women both past and present, its veterans, prior service, naval warriors and is a time to recognize the accomplishments of the greatest naval power in the history of the world.

Top Navy Shirt Designs

Over many years custom naval tees have displayed the courage and dedication felt in the hearts of American sailors and we salute these incredible military naval designs in anticipation of the many exciting things this month foretells.

What are the Top US Navy designs ever? Let’s start!


First, let’s check out the latest 5 designs from Vision Strike Wear!

Navy Seabee We Build We Fight Shirt


VSWA202NavyGoatChiefGeneric-vVSWA201NAVYCrowGeneric-v (1)VSWA199NavySquidGeneric-v (1)VSWA204NAVYNavyAmphibAlligatorXArmsGen-v


The US Navy squid. Not to be tangled with!

VSWA199NavySquidGeneric-v (1)


The USS Halsey gets into the top Navy list. This lady brings her A game to the US Navy fleet!

USS Halsey Heavy Damage Shirt



When the Navy works as a team with the other military branches it sets the standard of excellence.



Then of course their are those that are part of the IYAOYAS red shirt community. High explosive sailors.






The Junior Enlisted Sailors and their JEA Associations have asked for top custom military naval tees over the years. They too wanted a squid that was aggressive and removed all doubts as to whom Owned The Seas!

VSW890_1st-MADIV-JEA-v (1)



Then there are the US Navy squadrons and in one case the Black Lions of VFA-213 who clearly has been a part of the top 50 Navy designs!

VSW852_VFA-213BlackLionsFCPOA-v (1)


No one commands the seas like Trident except the United States Navy!




When the USS Maine calls for a design then designs come flying faster than a Trident Missile out of the vertical launch tube of a Boomer!



From the biggest of the US Navy ships to the smallest there is a Top 50 Navy design waiting for you!



The FCPOAs of the United States Navy asked for a design that displayed in sepia style the bold Spartan look along with their crows!




Guantanamo Bay Cuba gets into gear with a highly colorful custom US Navy shirt design for their Junior Enlisted Association!

VSW1099_NAVY JEA US Navy Guantanamo Bay-v



AUTEC The Bahamas! The US Navy’s Area 51!



VFA-31 Tomcatters get in on the action of being one of the more popular US Navy shirt designs!



SWOS Pearl Harbor gets on the board with this colorful military design!



IYAOYAS community in Okinawa design!

VSW1057_USMCOrdnance-v (1)


PACOM Hawaii gets their design thrown into the top designs!





Check out some great mobile game apps during US Navy October Birthday and Appreciation Month!

You cannot beat a great submarine game like Dive! Dive!


Or spend time navigating ruthless obstacles flying your own Osprey!


Top ten cool things about the US Air Force

Top ten cool things about the US Air Force

Top ten cool things about the US Air Force

Top ten cool things about the US Air Force.  The US Air Force has a lot of advantages in logistics, worldwide coverage, speed, missions and role types and this creates a creative insight into what is cool about being in the United States Air Force!

10. If I want Chinese Food, I will fly to China!

Air Force Ranks

9. When the G-Forces pull back your face, you look and feel years younger!


8. One weekend a year, you get to take your jet home with you.

USAF Blue Falcon

7. You’re looking at a guy with one million frequent flier miles.

Air Force K-9

6. At 20,000 feet you see lots of clouds that look more like bunnies and stuff!


5. Always fun watching the new guy try to parallel park a C-130 Hercules.

Para Rescue

4. Seasickness is for losers — airsickness is the way to go!


3. Free headsets on transcontinental flights.

USAF Athletics

2. Whenever people ask where I’ve been, I can tell them “The Wild Blue Yonder”!

Military WoopAss

1. Chicks dig planes!

Peace Through Superior Firepower


UPDATE: Join the ISIS Hunting Club now!

US Congress Creates A New Military Branch

US Congress Creates A New Military Branch

US Congress Creates A New Military Branch

September 18th the US Congress Creates A New Military Branch and passes the National Security Act of 1947 effectively combining the US Army, US Navy and the newly formed US Air Force into the Department of Defensive.  Consequently, James Forrestal was confirmed as the first Secretary of Defensive.  At its core the USAF represented more than just warefare having a high emphasis on technology and science.

It started with the Aeronautical Division , US army Signal Corps in 1907. After decades of US air warfare development and grew, World War 2 launched American Air Power into the forefront.  The need for air defensive was imparitive at the dawning of the cold war and protection from the Soviet Union and escalating arms race. Today is the 67th Birthday of the USAF protecting our skies and keeping us safe.

 Pop Culture Movies and Games

Hollywood embraced the fear of attack by created a slew of B Horror Films targeted to the new Baby Boomers such as the Blob to the more recent Armageddon where the USAF saves the day!

If you want to experience some of these themes download USAF:Operation Sentinel and play an airmen in the USAF dealing with Asteroids, Alien Invasion and more!

Even the elite USAF Combat Control Teams have shown off their talents in Transformers



Cold War TV shows with USAF characters

60’s hit ” I dream of Jeannie” centers around a US Air Force Astronaut that stumbles upon a magical bottle while on a space mission containing a beautiful Jeannie that is eternally indebted to him offers to help the Major through many USAF hi-jinks and slapstick with her unlimited wishes!

Who Are the US Army Sugar Bears

Who Are the US Army Sugar Bears

Who Are the US Army Sugar Bears

Who Are the US Army Sugar Bears. Really? What kind of a military unit has the name Sugar Bears? You will be surprised at the answer!

B Co 1-52nd AVN Sugar Bears!

Let’s Start with what is a Chinook?

Sugar Bear History 

Recent Deployments like Task Force 49 – “A U.S. Navy SEAL Team work alongside U.S. Army pilots, from Task Force 49, 1-52 Aviation Battalion, B Company, also known as the “Sugar Bears,” in a training evolution designed to promote and develop interoperability between the two branches. The exercise was part of Exercise Northern Edge (2009).” (Source: Youtube)

 Sugar Bears helping their community in Alaska

“The Royal Dutch Shell Arctic drilling rig Kulluk Salvage was hit with a storm New Years Eve that ran it onto an Alaska island and caused a power outage. The Kulluk is a circular drill barge that does not have propulsion, and needed heavy equipment to restore operational power. The U.S. Army 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment, out of Fort Wainwright, Alaska, was able to support the civilian operations as well as military.” (Source: Alaskastar.Com)



Provides aviation general support to United States Army Alaska. On order, deploy and conduct full spectrum aviation operations in support of Combatant Commanders.” (Source: http://www.wainwright.army.mil)

An elite unit with the United States Army based out of Fort Wainwright. They are a US Army aviation unit with a very long history, incredible lineage and dedication to serving the United States Army. They are the Sugar Bears!

Sugar Bears
Little Johny Goes Back To School

Little Johny Goes Back To School


In the famous words of Nike: Just Do it! Well try anyway and when you do remember its all about the kids. Now having said that we can really dig deeper into the maelstrom of activity also known as Back to School!

Seemingly what has become a tradition of fighting to locate the endless list of back to school items from crayons to chalk, 3 ring hole punched paper to pens and the 12 pound glue sticks and endless lines at your local retail back to school store has transpired into a waltz of activity getting Little Johny ready for school.

Now let’s examine our back to school experience: Military Style! Take a journey with little Johny!

Little Johnny

US Army Airborne School, Fort Benning, GA

Here we see little Johny doing what he does best. Jumping out of perfectly good aircraft. The parachute provided by his Uncle Sam!

Navy SEALs Training – BUD/S 1st Phase + Hell Week

Johny decided to take a break from Airborne training and join his BUDS Class for a day at the beach!


Marine Recruits Arrive at MCRD

Johny then took a break and wound up in the principals office on the first day of school. Life is not good!

Eating A Military MRE…

Johny takes a break from his office visit to the pricipals office for a little lunch, MRE Style!

Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)

With a full belly and the intense sense of joy of back to school in his blood Johny ventures off into afternoon classes with the 75th Ranger Regiment!


USMC Cadence MCRD San Diego Marching

Johny get a chance to take a break from school and enter outdoor Gym Class. They even sing for him. What a joy!

US Army Basic Training – The Making of a Soldier (Night Ops)

Johny experiences the first Time Out of the school year when some red haired Hippie pulls the fire alarm. This doesn’t slow down Johny’s teachers from taking it outside for some additional classroom instruction!


With school back in full swing Johny is quickly learning the routines of school life and looks forward to the balance of the year. With all this training, schooling, book learning Johny’s class is thinking of heading for overseas student foreign exchange programs. This year the school is considering either Iraq or Afghanistan for their upcoming study abroad program!

Johny Hits The Student Store!

You cannot leave school without first grabbing your favorite chocolate bar or hoodie from the Student Store!


We Will Never Forget Coin


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