Mrs. Webmaster is running the Portland Marathon as I write this.  About to head out and cheer along some racers at the finish line and wait for Kari to get done! People running the half marathon are already done, except for the people not running like walkers, etc. They run all around downtown Portland, Oregon.  The weather was pretty nice and it’s just gotten nicer as the day goes on.  Not very often you get a sunny day like this in October in Portland!

Veterans and Military Running Today

There is always tons of soldiers and vets representing at the Marathon. Though most of them had their rain gear on still (just in case!), there was a group who all had camo bandannas.  I know that the Portland Marathon usually runs a simultaneous run in Iraq every year but not sure if they are doing it or Afghanistan this year, but I’ll try to confirm it. It’s nice and sunny out now too so I should be able to spot from more military people representing at the finish line.  I’ll try to snap some pictures of them also if I can.

marathon2013-flagcarrier marathon2013-soldiers

Here’s Kari getting ready to run this morning.


Most Pictures to follow.

UPDATE: More photos!


The Portland Police Department used bomb sniffing dogs and searches of nearby building along the course route to ensure it was safe for everyone.  As of the time of writing, there were no reported incidents.

UPDATE: Runners were not allowed to bring backpacks. Everything going into lockers had to be put in bags supplied by the event. Once runners were in their “corals” they were not allowed to leave or they could not re-enter. Police were also everywhere. When we walked around the event, I saw at least 40 officers, just around the finish line area. GOOD JOB PORTLAND PD!!


Runner crossing the St. Johns Bridge on their way back into downtown Portland.


UPDATE: National Anthem sung by the runners this year.

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