Pearl Harbor Attack Remembered

Dateline: December 7th, 1941.

The United States Navy sits idle at moor while preparing breakfast. Meanwhile, Admiral Yamamoto launches the largest naval air raid against a fleet. The United States Navy experienced one of the most devastating attacks in the history of the United States. On this day we remember the fallen sailors, troops and warships. Pearl Harbor Attack Remembered.

With the United States Navy fleet cripped, the US Navy was forced to fight a war on a purely defensive basis until it could restore the power and strength of the US Navy fleet. If the oil farms had been destroyed or certain battleships not cleared the channel the time for the US to return to full strength could have been severly delayed and cost more sailors and Marines lives take back the islands from the Empire Of Japan.

America would not take this atatck lying down and as a result intensified its production and capacity to go to war by industrializing its war powers. New and more powerful, modern and deadly battleships were constructed.

Battleship BB-61

 The Big Stick. The USS Iowa. A new battleship and ship of the line during World War 2.


The Mighty Mo where Japan signed its unconditional surrender on its deckplate.

Pearl Harbor In The Movies!

Help Heal Our Vets!

Help Heal Our Vets in collaboration with Vision-Strike-Wear.Com is announcing its efforts to raise awareness of issues and support that help our US military veterans. There are many very important organaizations and military non-profits whose goal it is to support our veterans and put the much needed funds into their hands where it can do our veteran’s the most good. This is what Helphealourvets.Org does.
Your purchase of the Helphealourvets.Org hoodie allows all proceeds to be donated to military charities and organizations who do the job right and take care of the veterans. No more red tape or layers of bureacratic salaries that produce little nothing for our veterans. These dollars go to the veterans. Your purchase of this hoodie makes this possible.
This Veteran’s Day will mark the beginning of the fundraising campaign created by Healp Heal Our Vets and between this Veteran’s Day and next years Veteran’s Day 2015 where we will announce the amount that will be donated to the organizations that do the most good within the veteran community. We are excited to partipcate and be part of a fundraising campaign whose sole purpose is to help heal our veterans.

HHOV_Hoodie (4)


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